Tuesday, 29 October 2013


Sikap bertanggungjawab amat penting kepada seseorang. Tanpa mengira dalam belajar ataupun bekerja, kita mesti mempunyai sikap yang sanggup memikul dan melaksanakan tugas dengan sempurna.

Apabila belajar, kita haruslah menyiapkan semua tugasan seperti assignment dan tutorial dalam masa yang ditetapkan. Ini merupakan tanggungjawab pelajar. Jika sedikit cabaran kita pun tidak dapat menghadapi, apa kata lagi untuk masa depan kita? Now is just the beginning!

Untuk bekerja, kita mesti sentiasa memberi layanan yang ikhlas kepada semua pelanggan. Kita mesti sentiasa memberi senyuman apabila berhadapan mereka. Ini bukan sahaja tanggungjawab sebagai pekerja, dan juga menunjukkan kesopanan seseorang. Dan amat penting sekali, kerja yang diberi mestilah disiapkan dengan terbaik dan kemas.

Tambahan pula, kita juga perlu tanggungjawab terhadap ahli keluarga. Sebagai anak, kita haruslah sentiasa menghormati orang tua terutamanya ibu bapa. Mereka merupakan orang yang menjaga kita dari kecil hingga dewasa.Mahupun kita sudah besar, tetapi mereka masih sentiasa akan bimbang tentang tingkah laku anak mereka.

Akhir sekali, pemimpin negara memainkan peranan yang amat penting untuk negara. Seorang pemimpin telah dipilih oleh semua rakyat, maka dia patutlah taat setia kepada tugasannya. Elakkan melakukan perkara yang akan menjejaskan imej negara kita.

Kesimpulannya, sikap tanggungjawab amat penting untuk kerjaya kita. Tanpa mengira sesiapa, kita mestilah sentiasa mengingatkan sendiri supaya sentiasa melakukan perkara yang berfaedah kepada sendiri dan juga orang lain.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Relationship Before Marriage

This week's topic, relationship before marriage.......
Well, as we know, nowadays divorce cases getting increase, esspecially the younger couples.
This may due to the couple actually still don't understand well about each others, or maybe just because they felt "this age is the time to MARRY". Some even just because of pregnant before they marry. *aiks*

  Alright, for my opinion, the relationship between a couple must be strong enough before marry. They must have few years time to understand each other. For example, different people have different attitude and characteristics. You must make sure that you can accept your partner's everything before marry. It's too late for you to complain your partner anything after get marry. It will only cause you all quarrel and end up have a unhappy ending.

 I believe that every couple hope to have a happiness and loving family. Just try to be patience, tolenrate to listen to your partner. On the other hand, please share your problem with your partner too. They maybe can't help you, but they may give you advice. Everything we must think positvely, since you choose to be together with her/him, try to be generous. don't be too calculative for anything. Besides that, you must also treat their family same like treat your family. Let them feel that you have the sincerity to love her/him.

  In a nutshell, it's not easy that you can meet your lover among 7 billions people in the world. Please appreciate the every moment you together with her/him. Maybe can't have a wonderful ending, but at least have the sweet memory.

Sunday, 20 October 2013


Pada 19 Oktober 2013, PTUKM telah mengadakan satu Pertandingan permainan tradisional Cina di Sungai Chua, Kajang. Pertandingan ini adalah untuk masyarakat lebih memahami tentang permainan tradisional cina. Pertandingan ini telah menarikkan banyak penduduk menyertainya. Selain itu, kami juga menyediakan aktiviti-aktiviti untuk berinteraksi dengan kanak-kanak. Kami juga menyediakan berbagai jenis cenderamata dan hadiah kepada peserta-peserta.

Sunday, 13 October 2013

7 minggu di UKM

After slack for 9 months plus, finally i can study in one of the local university....UKM!! It's located at Bangi, which alot of Klang people don't know where is it =.=! UKM, a top 200+ local university in world ranking^.^ It's very big!!

Actually it's unexpected that i will get the offer from UKM as my stpm result is not that good.

Due to i'm second intake student, i had miss out alot of fun in orientation weeks =( although i heard some of the first intake students said that orientation weeks very suffer, but for me, it's will make you get to know more friends, more understand about ukm and alot of things through the orientation right? But it's okay, since everything had over, we have to appreciate what we have now!

The first day (18/9/2013) i step in ukm, it's really being very strange to me. It was very awkward,Everyone already start their lesson but i'm just going to pack everything step into ukm. I know i'm late. Meanwhile, luckily we have the friendly senior in kolej. Although they also start their study already. but they still willing to guide and explain to us about ukm stuff. Feel thankful to them! =D

After berikrar and few days orientation, finally we officially become a part of UKM =)

We had miss out two lesson. But we still can work as well as first intake students! haha...
Starting from now, everyone are begin with zero, past is past. if you wants to get the majoring that you want, please score a good result in first year!!

Ya, study is important. But sometimes, we also have to join some activities to release our stress. Instead of study, we also must enjoy our Uni life. So that we won't get any regret in future. Another thing for second intake, we had also miss out alot of club intro night =( So we can only get information from other friends.

I'm felt that the senior here all are friendly and kind. They willing to share everything with us, and help us when we having problem. Through the club's activities, we knew more friends and getting close to each other.

I'm really lucky to get UKM which is quite near from my hometown.It's easy for me to go back too. The only thing that i dislike should be...every subject that i took still teach in BM =( It's not a good choice for us in future when we're work. Think positively, maybe it's just a new challenge for us, different with others!

Move on UKM-ian! Just do it, FEP-ian!

Kepentingan Elektrik

Pada 8 Oktober 2013, UKM telah mengalami "blackout"! T.T Ia telah berlaku lebih daripada 24 jam yang merupakan hidup yang amat susah kepada warga UKM. Tetapi juga, masalah ini telah menjadikan kita lebih memahami kepentingan elektrik =(

Tanpa elektrik, kita tidak dapat connect to WiFi dan buat assignment...........

Tanpa elektrik, kita tidak dapat mandi pada waktu malam kerana tiada cahaya lampu =(
Tanpa elektrik, kita tidak dapat makan minuman dan makanan yang panas........
Tanpa elektrik, kita berpeluk semasa tidur kerana cuaca tu memang panas!
Tanpa elektrik, kita juga tidak dapat masuk kelas belajar seperti biasa...
Tanpa elektrik, kawasan fakulti-fakulti sangat gelap, bahaya~~

Please appreciate what you have now.....

Monday, 7 October 2013


She is good,
She is amazing.
Is my fault,
that didn't appreaciate.
If  i didn't keep giving stress to her, is it our ending won't be like that?
I'm feel sorry to her. I'm very regret now, but i know is useless to regret, she won't care it anymore.

I understand that now i keep message or call her will only make her feel annoying.Although I'm really hope still can like last time,chat everyday, always talk, and caring her, but i know it's impossible for now anymore.

The only thing i can do is keep looking for her fb and waiting for her message.

I'm really hope after four years, you still willing to give me a chance. I understand now you are very busy for your study, no have time to think about other things.It's okay. I hope you won't be forget our memory.

Even though now we don't have any relation, but can you still give me the chance to treat you good?You deserve it. I don't have other purpose, just hope can treat u good. And hope u still willing to meet me when you're back =(

Sorry, thy.

Media Sosial

Media sosial memainkan peranan yang penting dalam satu negara. Media sosial perlu menyiarkan maklumat yang benar dan adil kepada semua rakyat. Tambahan pula, media sosial tidak patut menjadi sebagai alat politik, mereka haruslah memberi maklumat tanpa berat sebelah.

Selain itu, media sosial harus memberi mesej yang positif. Contohnya, elakkan menyiarkan program-program lucah dan ganas. Mereka haruslah menyiarkan program-program yang dapat memberi faedah dan pengajaran kepada masyarakat supaya melahirkan masyarakat yang harmoni dan aman.

Dalam zaman moden kini, remaja-remaja amat tergantung kepada media sosial seperti twitter, facebook dan sebagainya. Ini telah menunjukkan ia akan mempengaruhi fikiran remaja kini. Oleh itu, kerajaan perlu mengawalnya dengan sebaiknya.